Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Called to Creation | Someone to learn from!

A major thing we want to be clear on is that we cannot all instantly change every earth-damaging decision we make. Change is a process, and being concerned about God's creation shouldn't be burdening. Yes, it takes work, but it becomes a burden when we do it out of guilt or duty rather than in response to God's leading. So, prayer through your every day decisions and ask God for just one or two small changes you can make. Start small!

With the above in mind, a couple of months ago the Globe had an article about a couple in Toronto that was going through a year without producing any household waste (last year they had only one bag of garbage). Reading their story is quite amazing and it sure is hard work. Read the blog here. It also provides some places to short at if you feel so inclined. Obviously, I'm not expecting us to all produce no garbage - at this point in time, that's simply not sustainable anyhow! Nevertheless, reading the blog makes you aware of all the little decisions we make every day and we aren't aware of their consequences...

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