Monday, October 29, 2007

Suffering | CBC Radio's Tapestry

Tapestry is a show on CBC radio on Sunday afternoons. Rodway pointed out an excellent show last week, which had a professor from Wycliffe speaking about suffering. From Tapestry's website:

The Victorian novelist George Eliot once wrote that “deep unspeakable suffering may well be called a baptism, a regeneration, the initiation into a new state.” To modern ears, Eliot’s poetic view of suffering may sound a bit much. But to the Reverend Doctor Ann Jervis , it makes sense. Ann Jervis is an Anglican Priest and professor of New Testament at Wycliff College, and at Trinity College. She is also the author of At the Heart of the Gospel: Suffering in the Earliest Christian Message.

Download the show here (right-click and select Save As...) or get the podcast (CBC Tapestry) or listen to it below:


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Peace of the Lord Be With You | A Meditation by Matt A

Download it here, listen to it here:

...or read below:
All day long I see patients who are sick, dying and in need. I wonder whether these
individuals know why I’m doing this. I wonder if they know the love of God through
me and his healing hands through my care and support. After all of my labor people
sill get sick, they are still lonely and there is always more to do. I am tired, worn out
and sometimes struggle to remember why I am doing this.
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

Every day I get to spend time with children; teaching them, caring for them, doing
administrative tasks to keep things going around the school. These kids go through
many stages in life. One year I’m there best friend and the next year they don’t even
say hi. I wonder whether I will have a lasting impact on these kids, whether I really
make a difference. It is often hard to fit in with staff too. Do they understand me? Do
they really know who I am? Do they see the Lord I serve in me and the work that I do?
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

Every week I come to the Church or this place of ministry. I give up evenings,
weekends, holidays, time with friends and family to serve the Church and the scattered
of this world. I often wonder whether it’s all worth it. Does anyone care? Does anyone
see the sacrifices I make? I can not often see what I’m building. It can be a lonely
journey. Sometimes I spend so much time on demanding tasks which I dislike that I
miss the opportunities for joy, for passion and for ministry.
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

When well school ever end; it feels like I’ve been a student forever. I am thankful for
this privilege, but when money is low, professor’s talk to much, the stress never ends
and everyone thinks I have it easy, it’s hard to show that I’m thankful. Where I’m even
going? What career will I choose? What is God’s will for my life? How do I know?
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

It’s hard to feel joy, to smile and to believe that everything happens for a reason when I
have friends and family who are sick and dying. Everything is not okay. It hurts so
much to experience suffering, to see my loved ones suffering, that I often pretend like
it’s not even there; like I live in another world. What hope do I have? What hope does
my family have?
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

I am a new mother. I am a new father. Does anyone see how precious life is? How
dear this child is? I wonder what they will grow up to be like. How can I raise this child
so that they will know the deep love of God? Will they know how much I love them?
How will I protect them and keep them safe?
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

It’s another day at the office. Another day of small talk, photocopying, filing,
procrastinating, trying not to eat poorly and daily duties. Am I wasting my life in this
office? Does this work even matter? I wonder if I should switch jobs, but what would I
do. I hope someone cares about me, that this work does matter. I hope that I can still
be a faithful Christian and work in a place like this; can I?
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

I have no job. I have no status. I have no money. It is hard to feel important in a
world where your carrier is power, and I don’t even have one. It’s hard to make good
friends and have a good conversation when you’re caught in your home most of the
day. I know that I spend money that I don’t have in ways that I shouldn’t but I don’t
know how to live otherwise. I just want to be comforted. I want to belong. I want to
have a home.
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

I haven’t cried in months. I haven’t experienced God in ages. Where has He gone?
Does He even exist? Sometimes I wonder if this faith is a sham. Maybe it would be
easier to give up; to do whatever I want. I’m sick of all these rules, of all this guilt and
manipulation. I’m sick of hating everything; I just want to be free.
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

I am so thankful to God for everything He has done. I can not keep signing His
praises. I want to shout on the top of a mountain. I want to soar in the heavens with
God. I want the world to know that God reigns, that Jesus is alive!
“The Peace of the Lord be with you.”

Numbers 6:22-26:
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be
gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”


Monday, October 15, 2007

Prayer of Examen | Second Commandment

Stemming from Gene's teaching on Sunday night, we used the above as a prayer of examen.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Confession Liturgy

L: The Lord almighty grant us a quiet night and peace at the last.
C: Amen.
L: It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
C: to sing praise to your name, O Most High;
L: to herald your love in the morning,
C: your truth at the close of the day.

L: Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.
Silence for self-examination.
L: Holy and gracious God,
C: We confess that we have sinned against you this day. Some of our sin we know-the thoughts and words and deeds of which we are ashamed-but some is known only to you. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask forgiveness. Deliver and restore us, that we may rest in peace.
L: By the mercy of God we are united with Jesus Christ, and in him we are forgiven. We rest now in his peace and rise in the morning to serve him.