Monday, October 29, 2007

Suffering | CBC Radio's Tapestry

Tapestry is a show on CBC radio on Sunday afternoons. Rodway pointed out an excellent show last week, which had a professor from Wycliffe speaking about suffering. From Tapestry's website:

The Victorian novelist George Eliot once wrote that “deep unspeakable suffering may well be called a baptism, a regeneration, the initiation into a new state.” To modern ears, Eliot’s poetic view of suffering may sound a bit much. But to the Reverend Doctor Ann Jervis , it makes sense. Ann Jervis is an Anglican Priest and professor of New Testament at Wycliff College, and at Trinity College. She is also the author of At the Heart of the Gospel: Suffering in the Earliest Christian Message.

Download the show here (right-click and select Save As...) or get the podcast (CBC Tapestry) or listen to it below:

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