Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lorica Prayer

On Sunday night, our focus was on Celtic Spirituality and specifically the "Lorica Prayer". These are prayers for protection over our whole bodies and being. For our time of prayer, we used an adapted version of a Lorica Prayer from Calvin Miller's book (one of them). Download the prayer here, or read it below.

Lord of mine, now and forever,
To me you are one and indivisible,
Creator God, redeemer Christ and indwelling Spirit,
You are indestructible and eternal;
I am weak and subject to pain and dying.

Proclaim to God those places where you have seen him create new life, where redemption has occurred, where the life of the Spirit has flourished. It may be transformation in your own life, or that of a friend, or in our city or neighbourhood.

I would serve you upon this footstool called the planet;
It is my only possible home,
The Roman stage where your incarnation came
To demonstrate the furthest victory that flesh can know.

Pray for those places where Christ’s victory is needed, as unexpected as it might be. Christ’s victory brings peace, life, justice, and wholeness. It may be a workplace conflict, a homeless person you walk by daily, a family relationship, a government issue, an international catastrophe.

I love the world you made.
It is the porch of heaven,
And there is such need here that I would serve you, Christ the Son,
Till all who live in hope stumble onto Calvary
And come to know why they were born.

Pray for specific people in you know who need to ‘stumble onto Calvary’. Thank God that he is already present in their lives. Pray for an ever-growing love for this world and its inhabitants, confessing to God those places where you do not love. It may be that you judge certain friends, ridicule our government, or treat some people with disdain. Pray for the grace to love them and see Christ in them.

But to help you in reclaiming this lost world,
I must beg you to lengthen my days
And guarantee my fragile life
So I shall have all the time I need to bring
The world to your feet.

Lord, we recognize that we cannot bring God’s Kingdom to its fullness on our own, and yet you have called us to be your Body – the tangible, physical expression of your presence and activity in this world. Pray for listening ears to hear where and to whom God desires us to go in his name. Pray for a blessing upon the places where your heart desires God’s Spirit to move in a powerful and evident way. Perhaps it is a conflict overseas, your campus, or your family.

Therefore, I pray this prayer of protection over you as you seek Christ’s redemption in every corner of the world.

Lord, guard our minds, so we may speak with clarity, truth and justice.

Make our heart to beat for years – for we must serve you by going to the places you have called us, by being people of peace and wholeness in our schools, our workplaces, our families, our city and our country.

Protect us from an impure conscience, for only purity of heart can lead to purity of life. And it will be our pure life which will speak of your glory in our lives and draw people closer to you.

Guard our steps, for waywardness prevents us from continually walking together, closer to you.

Build in us an open interest and empathy for all we meet who swelter in their grudges, for only those who are free of anger can be ambassadors of Christ, bringing hope and justice to every situation.

Give us full health so that we may serve you undistractedly.

Set us on the rampart,
Give us health enough to complete the dream of God.
Amen, Father, maker of my body.
Amen, Christ, incarnate power of health and life.
Amen, Spirit, teacher of my ministry.