Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Vocation Small Group Material | April 22

Here is this week's handout for Vocation small groups (and anyone else who may want to use it!).


Monday, April 16, 2007

Praying with Icons

On Sunday, we made use of the long history of praying with icons. This was probably something new and different for most of us, despite its rich tradition. In a visual age, icons present an ancient practice brought to new life. Read an explanation about praying with icons here.


The Onslaught of Busyness | Yann Martel

You may recognize the name Yann Martel from his well-known book The Life of Pi. I came across an interesting article by him on Saturday, although what interested me didn't have much to do with what he was writing about (Stephen Harper and arts funding - which is important, don't get me wrong). Here's what he wrote though:

"To read a book, one must be still. To watch a concert, a play, a movie, to look at a painting, one must be still. Religion, too, makes use of stillness, notably with prayer and meditation. Just gazing upon a still lake, upon a quiet winter scene - doesn't that lull us into contemplation? Life, it seems, favours moments of stillness to sppear on the edges of our perception and whisper to us, 'Here I am. What do you think?'

Then we become busy and the stillness vanishes, yet we hardly notice, because we fall so easily for the delusion of busyness, whereby what keeps us busy must be important, and the busier we are with it, the more important it must be. And so we work, work, work, rush, rush, rush. On occasion, we say to ourselves, panting, 'Gosh, life is racing by.' But that's not it at all, it's the contrary: Life is still. It is we who are racing by."

It made me recall Greg's challenge about God's call to Sabbath rest. What struck me in particular was how busyness is often linked to our worth. The busier we are, the more important we feel. What does God say to this? Any thoughts?


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Vocation Small Group Material | April 8

The material for Vocation small groups can be found here this week. We'll be talking about the significance of the Resurrection, what it means in our individual lives and our life as a community of faith.

Post any thoughts!